Introduction: the composite DNA of DataOps
- The DataOps agile manifesto
- DevOps: ongoing integration and deployment
Roles and responsabilities of the DataOps engineer
- The Data project lifecycle: accelerating and making it reliable at the same time
- The role of the DataOps engineer in data quality
- Responsibilities and deliverables
Key processes and deliverables
- Pipeline automation
- Hybrid cloud and meta-orchestration
- Tests
- Environment management
- Version management
- Monitoring
Data platform governance and collaborative processes
- Domains and bricks of the Data platforms
- Data Factory/Data Lab
- The DataOps engineer, the missing link between Data Engineer and Data Scientist
- Role of the DataOps engineer in Data Innovation
DataOps tools
- Focus on the offers of Data Kitchen, Radical Bit, Saagie
- Case studies
- Demo
Extending the role of the DataOps engineer to Artificial Intelligence & MLOps
- Reproducibility, model performance analysis, model exposure