
Data Camp

Data Camp

The purpose of this workshop series is to navigate through all the topics that describe today’s Data Value chain in large corporations. The idea is to stroll along the Data value chain by diving piece by piece into each of its components. For each field, we will proceed the same way:

  • General scope of the field,
  • Main features,
  • Roles & skills,
  • Market analysis and main players,
  • Practice of one selected tool to deep dive with a hands-on approach.


a. Data Catalog (HD)
b. Data Governance (HD)
c. Data Engineering / Integration / Preparation / Cleansing / Storage (HD)
d. Data Science & Business Analytics (HD)
e. Data Visualization (2xHD)
f. Data Virtualization (2HRS)
g. Data Architecture (2xHD)
h. Introduction to Master Data Management
i. Introduction to Machine Learning
j. Introduction to Blockchain

We will determine how each field can play a role for our case and apply the selected tool to the case itself. We will provide a full RACI for the Data Value chain, describing the roles and responsibilities in its implementation. At the end of the series, we will have a complete Data Value chain covered for our case, demonstrating concretely the value of the Data field for our whole case.

Please note that Astrakhan offers training workshops on new topics upon request!