Innovation & Soft Skills

Organizing a Design Sprint​

design sprint


5 Days




Agility, Management and Innovation Consultant

Design Sprint is a method of innovation inspired by the principles of Lean Startup and Design Thinking.

This method aims at accelerating the resolution of a company’s problems and needs, at a lower cost.

In 5 days, Design Sprint allows a small team to go from a problem to the user test of a prototype. We accompany you in the creation of an end-to-end Design Sprint by preparing your use case upstream. 

Target audience

  • All profiles 


  • Apprehend the implementation beforehand and set up one’s team
  • To have completed the Design Thinking training course

Course delivery

On site,
in your offices

Remote via Teams


Training Program


  • Context of the method: origins, definition, main differences with Design Thinking

The Sprint Design approach 

  • Steps and objectives 

Designing a product 

  • Objective POC

To go further 

  • Benefits and limitations of the methodology, demystification associated with Design Sprint 

Design Sprint :

Day 1

Understand: this first day is dedicated to understanding the challenges, opportunities, target audience and defining success indicators. In the afternoon, a customer experience or process map is established.

Day 2

Sketch: explore the problem in a creative and positive way. Each participant works independently and develops in detail one or more solutions to the problems encountered. 

Day 3 

Decide: pooling and identifying, through a structured process, the most promising ideas. Elaboration of a precise storyboard to serve as a basis for the prototype of day 4. 

Day 4

Prototype: this day is dedicated to the creation of a prototype to demonstrate new ideas or designs. The prototype does not have to be perfect, it just has to be good enough to be shown to the testers. 

Day 5 

Test: user tests, ideally in real-life situations, or remotely if the situation requires it. The test is carried out on the five people closest possible to the target audience. The interviewer is usually a user experience specialist.