Architecture & Technologies



This new set of sessions aims to wrap-up all the knowledge delivered on the first Architecture series, and make new hands-on sessions that show the benefits of practicing the architecture discipline on our case through update and improvement of the initial modelling.

This will be applied at the Enterprise Architecture and Solution Architecture levels. We will study new enhancements such as how to apply microservices and serverless computing to the models. Then we offer to make a full session on Agile Enterprise, using SAFe as a reference.


a. EA Review (2xHD)
b. Solution Architecture Review (2xHD)
c. Agile Architecture with SAFe (2xHD)

Agile Architecture

Using SAFe as a support for Agile Architecture implies that an enterprise architecture backlog has previously been defined, maintained and refined over time. This will be done during the first series of Architecture workshops. This backlog becomes a central tool in the collaboration between architects of the community, the IT teams and the Business. This Architecture backlog will be implemented with Jira Align. The Agile Architecture workshop will define the priorities in implementing agile architecture. Jira Align will be used to build a first example with real initiatives. Innovation initiatives (with proof-of-concepts and prototypes) will be mixed with ongoing transverse topics and projects priorities. After the workshop, we will set up a regular follow-up on the backlog and refine it according to the priorities of the business and the IT.

Please note that Astrakhan offers training workshops on new topics upon request!