Innovation & Soft Skills

Design Thinking

design thinking

Through this set of sessions, we will go through the use of Design Thinking to frame the idea of a product, and then iterate to the moment where the product is sufficiently well-defined and visible. The Design Thinking techniques that we will use have been retrieved from Innovation Games. They allow to create Visual management boards that help brainstorming and organizing ideas, through a Divergence – Convergence process also known as the « Double Diamond».

Some techniques, like the Personas or the Customer Journey Map, are frequently used in the field of Digital software innovation, and must be practiced. It is also important that we go through some main principles of UX/UI to figure out how to design interactions with the product.

Moreover, Google has established a standard in Design-Thinking application, known as Design Sprints. We will cover a full Design Sprint process in the last session of these series. At the end of these sessions, we will go through Storytelling & Pitching techniques with our famous Pitch Motion workshop (using video shoot out), to experiment how to build and communicate a sellable version of the product.


a. Principles of Design-Thinking/Lean Canvas (2HRS)
b. Design-Thinking techniques: Empathy Map & Personas (HD)
c. Design-Thinking techniques: Customer Journey Map (HD)
d. Design Thinking techniques: Product Tree and Vision 20/20 (2HRS)
e. Google Design Sprints with principles of UX/UI (FD)
f. Storytelling and Pitching (2xHD)

Why innovate through Design Thinking ?

Design Thinking makes it possible to tackle the current and future challenges of companies:

  • Accelerate projects with collaborative innovation,
  • Adjust to the requirements of the market dominated by User Experience,
  • Be competitive with more reactive and agile start-ups.

Effectiveness of the Design Thinking approach:

  • Accelerates design (product and offer),
  • Co-construction of innovative concepts,
  • Collective intelligence (quality of deliverables and co-validation of the roadmap): we need employees’ commitment,
  • Based on a short cycle (exploration)

Please note that Astrakhan offers training workshops on new topics upon request!