Innovation & Soft Skills

Innovation Mindset

esprit d'innovation

These “Innovation Mindset” series will show you how to keep the Digital Transformation stakes in mind and stay autonomous during the deployment of innovation for your business.

We will model an innovation management system that will be sustainable on the long-term and help you stay in touch with Digital Innovation and Digital Future.


a. Internal crowdsourcing workshop on the Virtual TR Boutique case (HD)
b. Integrating innovation in everyday’s routine (HD)

The first workshop will be the Internal crowdsourcing game, which allows to express innovation ideas on new and existing topics, and collectively vote upon them to determine priorities.

The second workshop shows how to keep an innovation and agile mindset by integrating innovation in the daily routine: visual management, rituals, inspiration opening and so on.

Please note that Astrakhan offers training workshops on new topics upon request!